迫於無奈只好試一試了= ="個人覺得對於處女詩來說算是不錯了
可惜好像只有我那麼覺得= =" 這大概就是傳說中的"自己的小孩永遠不會醜吧??"
因為不想破壞原創性...所以就不做語法改動了= =保持跟交上去的A4一樣的樣子
Long long time ago,
There is a mask dog,
He bark when his owner told so
He raise his hand when his owner said so.
Only that way he can get food,
Nobody knows what he really feel.
He may think all human are fool,
And there is no one really care about him
One day he dicide he want to write a poem,
So he took a pen and write,
Long long time ago,
There is a mask dog.