Dear diary,
I have a GEPT test in June, so I have to pratice my English writing sometimes.
Because if my students find out their teacher failed on the GEPT test they will laugh at me,
and I don't want that happened.
It's been a while since last time I use English to write a letter.
The reason I didn't do it more often, it's because I'm afraid nobody can understand me,
besides when I saw somebody using English to write on Facebook I always think they are pretending to be smart.
I find it is very annoying, that's the reason why I don't do it more often.
So as I was saying maybe twice a week I'll use English to write something.
To practice my English.
Recently I find my job is very frustrating my boss doesn't appreciate what I do.
And my collgues think I'm an idiot.
There are so many things to do to be a teacher. It's so DAMN hard to remeber all the things I have to do.
I don't know how to memorize all the things I need to do.
Moreover why is there always so many fucking things I need to do?
It's like when you almost finish one thing another thing pops out.
Like there is no fucking end.
Forgive me for using the F words it's so stressful lately...........